    • 连云港市新浦区通灌南路兆隆大厦321室

    • 0518-80816616

    • 1085437166@qq.com

    • 15862906474  



1、以完成某项任务为期限:本合同自 / / / 日起生效至 / 工作任务完成之日终止。
翻译: Task-oriented term: The Contract takes effect from   and ends at the date of completing       . 

2、乙方同意根据甲方的生产工作需要,在    地区担任             岗位(工种)工作。并按甲方关于本岗位(工种)的要求完成规定的数量、质量指标或工作任务。
翻译: According to the operational need of Party A, Party B agrees to hold the post of       (type of work) in the area of         . And Party B will finish specified quantity, quality indexes or work tasks according to the Party B’s needs of this post(type of work).

翻译:Non-fixed working hours is to adopt the intensive working, intensive rest, taking working days off, the flexible working time of rotating days off and the other proper modes to ensure the employee’s right of vocation and the accomplishment of production and work tasks on the basis of assuring the employee’s health and fully listening to the employee’s suggestions.
